UCSF Medical Center
505 Parnassus Avenue
San Francisco, CA
Project Size
General Contracting
A Public Works competitive bid, this OSHPD project for the UCSF Medical Center was in an occupied and difficult area to access. For this $5.7 million project, we were tasked with the removal and replacement of an existing absorption chiller with a high efficiency 600 ton electric VFD driven chiller; the expansion of the overall chiller equipment room’s footprint; and the abatement of hazardous materials within the project area. This multi-phase installation required intense coordination for planning and scheduling work. CBI was instrumental in developing a working strategy and schedule that fully addressed the concerns of the facility through the course of construction and mitigating the impact of shutdowns. Ultimately, the project corrected numerous chilled water piping issues that had created difficulties for the facility for years while also increasing the overall distribution capacity for the future.